Blood pressure has always seemed a bit of a mystery! With the number of young and middle aged people getting heart attacks and heart failure, it is not considered an old person’s illness anymore. High blood pressure increases the risk of heart-related problems, stroke, kidney disease, vision loss, and sudden death. It accounts for more than 10,000 deaths worldwide each day. It can be managed with medications, home care, stress free living, and lifestyle modifications such as healthy diet, exercise, quitting smoking, and limiting alcohol.
We as a layperson need to understand that it is important to see a doctor regularly, and to carefully formulate a routine and care plan. A home caregiver can help manage their blood pressure. If you hire an in-home caregiver to help keep your loved senior safe, the caregiver can play an important part in hypertension management.
An in-home attendant can:
Remind them to check and record blood pressure reading.
Provide medication reminders.
Provide nutritious meals in collaboration with a dietician.
Help manage side effects from the medications, such as dizziness or sleep problems.
Support them with their exercise routine that can be recommended by a physiotherapist.
Provide companionship and support.